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April 11, 2019If you’re finding that your face sags just a little bit more with each passing year, you’re not alone. At Integrative Medicine, Laser and Aesthetics, we pride ourselves on finding the most advanced tools to help our Carmel clients. We fight back against the effects of aging with laser skin tightening.
Through extensive research and studying evidence-based results, we chose the GentleMax Pro® laser system. It helps you face each passing year with your best face forward. If you’d like to tighten up sagging facial skin, here’s how we can help.
How does skin tightening work?
Not only is it impossible to turn back time, it’s also impossible to journey back in time to take better care of your skin. This means that those long summers spent outdoors inevitably take their toll. This is because the sun’s harmful ultraviolet rays prematurely break down your skin. This photoaging is also exacerbated by the natural loss of collagen and elastin in your skin. When you enter your 30s, this decline begins, but slowly, at first.
As you make your way through your 40s and 50s, this loss becomes more pronounced. It leaves your tissue without the resources it needs to keep your skin vibrant and youthful. In other words, wrinkles can become increasingly etched into your skin. As well, with this loss of the structural support, the thin layer of fat beneath the skin on your face begins to migrate downward. Unfortunately, it can add to the sagging skin around your eyes, mouth, jowls, and neck.
The wake-up call
Our GentleMax Pro laser skin tightening system is so successful because it works with your body to tighten your skin. With the GentleMax Pro, we deliver gentle laser energy into your tissue. Then, it absorbs the energy as heat without harming the surface area. This heat, in turn, creates a mild healing response in your skin, and one of the first things your body responds with is renewed production of collagen.
With renewed collagen, you regain tone and elasticity in your skin, which tightens up your problem areas. While the GentleMax Pro can’t bring you back to your youth, it can restore new vitality to your skin that will belie your years.
Tightening up
The energy we deliver through the GentleMax Pro skin tightening system is well-tolerated by our clients. The system features a built-in cooling system that keeps the surface of your skin comfortable throughout your treatment.
Each session takes less than an hour, and there’s no downtime afterward, which means you’re free to go about your day. You may experience some mild redness or swelling, but these typically resolve themselves quickly.
For optimal results, we recommend that you undergo several treatments, which we space apart by several weeks to allow time for the renewed collagen production to take effect. In most cases, results gradually reveal themselves with each treatment, with the best results about six to 12 weeks after your final treatment.
Once your skin is tightened, it’s up to you to keep this healthy new skin moisturized and protected from the sun. And when time starts to catch up with you again (it always does), you simply return for touch-up treatments with the GentleMax Pro.
If you’d like to fight back against aging in this new year, give us a call or schedule online to set up a laser appointment.