Boosting Your Immune System this Winter
January 27, 2021
Men’s Laser Hair Removal in Carmel, Indiana
May 25, 2022Vitamin B12 Deficiency
Vitamin B12 deficiency is more common in people whose families come from Northern Europe. This deficiency can be caused by poor dietary consumption, a breakdown in the digestive process, or from taking certain medications that make it difficult to absorb B12 (such as antacids). Those who eat less meat, have autoimmune or thyroid conditions are also more likely to experience anemia caused by vitamin B12 deficiency. Other risk factors for B12 deficiency are stress, excessive alcohol use, and smoking.
Vitamin B12 deficiency has been linked to fatigue, tingling or loss of feeling in the extremities, irritability, memory impairment, depression, anemia, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), constipation, poor wound healing, dry or damaged looking skin, and neurological disorders. “B12 injections can last for one month with slow release into the blood,” says Dr. CJ Pabla, physician and owner of Integrative Medicine, Laser and Aesthetics. Vitamin B12 injections are generally considered to be safe and have no major side effects.
Winterproof your Vitality with B12 Treatments
The reported benefits of vitamin B12 treatment are increased energy and reduced fatigue, improved metabolism, weight loss, improved sleep, better mood & concentration, boosts in the immune system, and can even have positive effects on hair growth.*
Your first B12 shot at our office is only $10 for a limited time. Appointments are required as part of social distancing protocols. Call our office at 800-538-5513 or schedule online and give your vitality a boost!
Why are B12 injections popular in Carmel, Indiana?
Carmel, Indiana is a northern Indianapolis suburb at latitude 39.978. In summer, days are 15 hours long and in winter only 9 hours of daylight. Insolation, a measure of the intensity of solar energy over our city during a specific timeframe, is more than twice as high during the summer solstice on June 21st than it is on the winter solstice December 21st here in Carmel. The sun’s energy is more diffused in the winter sunlight, and the result is often felt in our energy levels and well-being. With less exposure to the sun’s ultraviolet B (UVB) rays, our body has a harder time making vitamins and minerals, particularly bone and mineral metabolism. Sunlight interacts with a protein in our skin called 7-DHC, and the result is active vitamin D3, the most common winter vitamin deficiency.

Figure 1 Image from Cosmos – The SAO Encyclopedia of Astronomy
Prevalence rates in multiple sclerosis increase with the patient’s latitude, and scientific studies have proven that colder climates are harsher for our immune and central nervous systems. During Carmel’s dimmer months, September through April, we most often recommend supplements of vitamin B12 and D3. Vitamin D3 can be taken over-the-counter, whereas Vitamin B12 is best taken as a shot or IV infusion. At our clinic in West Carmel, we offer both. Read more about the difference between B12 shots and infusions here. Before starting supplements, it’s important to review your bloodwork with your physician or consult a doctor on our team.
*Results may vary. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA